
Kumawu by-election: EC reject circulating voting notices on social media

Ghana’s Electoral Commission (EC) has rejected poll notices making runs on social media platforms to be fake claims related to the upcoming Kumawu by-election. The announcement, widely shared and believed to be the official EC announcement, featured photos of two independent candidates, dressed in kente outfits and indicating the candidates had a bird emblem.

However, the EC, in a statement released on Sunday, clarified that the EC’s office did not offer such an opinion.
While clearly stating that the story is untrue, the EC urges the public to ignore it. “For Public Information, two Independent Candidates presented photographs of surname in kente and the image of a bird as the emblem for our District Officer in Kumawu.

On this basis, a draft voting notice, with photos of independent candidates with names, costumes and similar symbols have been prepared and submitted to the Commission for approval. “It has not been approved by the Commission nor has it been published in the Official Journal. A notice of the vote becoming lawful and
binding only after publication.

The version circulating on social networks was never published. He merely a rough draft reflecting the photographs and symbols presented to county officials,” the statement read. The EC further noted that it had to adopt the Statute of Public Elections and give the second independent candidate a pickaxe as his emblem after he refused to heed his advice to change the symbol. .

When this anomaly was brought to the attention of the Commission, the second independent candidatewas advised to change his logo because he was the last to submit his nomination. He refuses to do so, asks the Commission to apply Public Regulations 14(1)(b) and (c) Election Regulations, 2020, C.I. 127.”

The EC assures the public that it is actively investigating the source of the bogus review and will take appropriate action against those responsible for its creation and dissemination. They also reiterated their commitment to holding free, fair and transparent elections in Ghana and stressed the importance of maintaining the integrity of the electoral process. Kumawu by-election: EC refuses to circulate voting notices on social media

The Commission further urges the public to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious or misleading information regarding elections to the relevant authorities. As it approached the by-elections in Kumawu, the EC reassured voters and stakeholders that it was fully prepared to hold a smooth and reliable election process.

He emphasized their commitment to upholding democratic principles and ensuring that the will of the people is faithfully reflected through just and lawful mean

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